A 'full monte' triple gauge turnout.
(NB It would be 4 gauge if there was any 6'5.5" gauge stock to run on it!)
NG in centre, SG offset left, BG offset right. |
A more conventional two gauge turnout, Ng and BG. |
Single point turnout for BG only with NG only on turnout
track. Use of fixed point on left removes risk of derailing NG train
when BG set for straight as shown. |
A similar single point BG turnout but this time with an SG
track in the straight route. Note that in both these cases a train on
the narrower gauge running through with points set as shown will have a
frog polarity problem in a model. |
A fixed point centraliser to bring NG vehicles into a
concentric position in BG track. (used to line up the end doors in
sheep wagons for transfer and to get the right clearance at the loading ramp seen in the background). |
This time two fixed points to make the SG change sides in BG/SG track. |
Here a livestock wagon on SG bogies sits on 4 rail track. |
The effect at the turntable which has 6 rail concentric
track, lined up here with the SG approach, a BG/NG approach track on
the right. |